What is the Role of the Global Citizenship School Teacher Fellow?
A Global Citizenship Teacher Fellow is a key driver in coordinating, communicating, implementing, and delivering the initiative to your learners. They are responsible for supporting your learners and ensuring that they complete the course within the allocated time. They are encouraged to further engage with the content with their learners in addressing or discussing real-life situations.
During the eight weeks of the initiative, they will be responsible for the following:
- Introducing the UNESCO MGIEP’s Global Citizenship Course to your learners in the classroom.
- Support and supervise the progress of your learners in the completion of the course.
- Raise issues with the GCED School Coordinator in case learners are facing any challenges or issues with the course.
- Become aware of the Global Citizenship Foundation’s Child Protection Policies and Protocols required to participate in the online initiative.
- Prepare learner’s progress reports.
- Ensure classroom compliance and reporting deadlines are met.
- Share the opportunity with educators from other schools in your region.
- Engage with the Global Citizenship Foundation’s Consultations and engagements with Teacher Fellows.