How to Use the Project Implementation Tracker?
An Overview of the Implementation Tracker-
- Sheet 1 is dedicated to general information, including important institutional contact details such as school name, address, and website, as well as the number of students and teacher fellows involved. It also provides contact information for the head of the school and the GCED coordinator.
- Sheet 2 is dedicated to the teacher fellows' data. This includes their names and emails, which will be used for certificate issuance and course access. Make sure you are using the right names and email addresses to ensure a smooth process of accessing the course and certification. Also, remember to update their progress and tick the relevant boxes on sheet one upon adding the data.
- Sheet 3 is dedicated to student data. Both the GCED coordinator and teacher fellows will update this sheet weekly to track the students' progress as they go through the learner's course over six weeks.
- Sheet 4 highlights the major milestones of our eight-week project, from onboarding teachers to submitting the final completion report. This is the School Activity Report, which summarizes key project tasks and milestones. Regular updates here will ensure successful project implementation and eligibility for program awards and certifications.